Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, 30 November

Today we began with our spelling test of the words from the second column on our list of frequently misspelled words.  Afterwards, we reviewed our writing rubric and investigated a new way to take notes that involves a process called scribing.  If you want to see an excellent example of the process do a YouTube search on “RSA Animate videos;” here is a link to my favourite (with over nine million views, it's a keeper):

I find that I’m drawn into the topic and the scribes allow for deeper thinking and stronger imprinting into memory and that means a better ability to recall later.  I’m new at it, but I want to see where we can go with it this year.  There is an interesting discussion that suggests there have been three major steps in the evolution of human communication: (1) pictographs; (2) writing; and, (3) scribing.  I find it fascinating; here is the link (scroll down from the page intro to the video):

After recess we had 15 minutes of silent reading – I’ve started to use reading as a way to transition from breaks to instruction after recess and after lunch.  Next we did math. In Math 7 we worked on the practice set on pp. 73-75.  Many students were able to finish.  Some are moving more slowly as they work to master the concept of subtracting integers.  To be sure, the concept that adding a positive integer is like subtracting a negative integer is the one piece that is giving the most people the most trouble, but it’s coming.  We’ll work to achieve mastery through the process of over-learning and hopefully achieve a deeper, longer-lasting fluency this way. Please try to complete the questions for homework.

During lunch the grade 7s had a second fund-raising meeting with some of the parents.  Mr. Pond and I were advised that some students might have felt shy to sign up for committee work because of the process that was first employed, so today we asked students to write on a ballet their first choice for the committee they’d like to work with and we will compose a new list from that information.  Not being on a planning committee does not mean a student will be excluded from participating in the execution of an activity. Our meetings seem to be Fridays at lunch, and all parents are welcome to participate.

After lunch we read used an iPad and Google Earth to investigate global geographic perspectives, and to look at Egypt from a number of views.  We practiced posing questions and hypothesizing before seeking answers through investigation and experimentation.  It was fun finding pyramids and the Great Sphinx and looking at the High Aswan Dam and its effect on the Nile.  We noted that the textbook map of Egypt included the Aswan reservoir, which of course did not exist in the period we’re studying.  Afterwards, we read pp. 86-90.  Remember to take bullet notes and answer ONE of the prompts at the bottom of p. 90 in a 5-sentence paragraph.  Please post your paragraph as a comment to this blog post - remember to add your name.

We ended the day with the second group doing their “beep test” up in the gym.  I was pleased with the strong effort that everyone showed – there was no slouching and everyone appeared to try his or her hardest.  We do the strength and flexibility training next week and then test those categories, too.

Have a good weekend.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, 29 November

Hello all: we began the day with a French lesson on numbers.  We counted forward and backward to twenty and then did some crossword puzzles for the numbers one to ten.  A colleague of mine who teaches French in secondary school has given me a series of fun activities to help with numbers and so we'll work through those for the next few lessons.  After French we had band.

After recess we read for pleasure for 15 minutes and then started math.  We started to do the practice set on subtracting integers using the number line as a follow-up from yesterday's instruction, but it became clear that most students needed to spend more time on this concept before continuing to the questions.  It seems that students get into the most trouble when they are asked to subtract a negative integer because for their whole life they have thought that subtraction makes numbers smaller and all of a sudden they're being told it can also make a number bigger.  There was some frustration and impatience as we reviewed the concepts but slowly more and more began to "see it."  Some are still fuzzy, but that is fine - we'll keep at it.  I explained that it's good to hit the wall from time to time and to experience tension while learning.  The lessons that are tough to conquer are the ones that stick best.  For homework, try to do as many questions from pp. 73 - 75 as you can.

After lunch we did a science lesson that involved reading pp. 28-32, then completing the classification table from question 3 on page 32.  We then went back and answered questions 2 and 4.  This should be completed for homework or during flex time tomorrow.

We also took time to discuss what the class would like to do for the Christmas concert, scheduled for Wednesday, Dec 19th, from 1:00 to 2:45.  Here is the product of our discussion.  We'll have to decide tomorrow what we'd like to pursue.  Thanks, Kiah for having some ideas from which to begin our discussion; and thanks Javen, for facilitating the meeting and Bowen, for acting as scribe.

We ended the day with the first phase of our fitness test.  By the time we did the warm-up, we only had time to run half of the class through the shuttle run (beep test).  We'll do the second half tomorrow.  Congrat.s to the runners and their coaches.  Once we got going things went smoothly.  Tomorrow we need to get started on the warm-up more quickly, with less talking and silliness.

Remember your p.e. strip for the next few days while we work through the fitness testing process.

Although cell phones haven't generally been a problem in our class, I'd like to remind parents that students are expected to have their phones turned off during instructional time.  Please expect your student to check for messages
(1) before 8:45,
(2) during recess from 10:25 to 10:40,
(3) during lunch from 12:00 - 12:40,
(4) or after school at 2:45.
 IF YOU MUST CONTACT YOUR STUDENT URGENTLY DURING INSTRUCTIONAL TIME, PLEASE CALL THE OFFICE AND A MESSAGE WILL BE BROUGHT TO CLASS.  Teachers have been asked to remove phones that go off during instructional time and drop them off with the principal, Mr. Clements, who will contact a parent or guardian.  This is the policy at the secondary schools and so it is good preparation for our students now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, 28 November

Today we started with a pre-test of the second column from the spelling list of most frequently misspelled words.  The real test will be in a day or two - keep studying.  After that we continued with some cursive writing practice.  Some might ask why we're doing cursive writing instead of say, keyboarding.  Isn't cursive writing becoming obsolete.  Well, the short answer is that cursive writing is in the curriculum and keyboarding is not.  Also, when I print on the interactive whiteboard, all of the lifting of the pen that occurs in printing causes more errors than cursive writing.  Also, cursive writing is fasted and many would argue, more aesthetically pleasing (it just looks nicer).  I am seeing steady improvement in everyone's writing and even those who came to class as "writers," are tuning up their styles.  Next, I returned all of the descriptive writing paragraphs that I marked and then we revisited the rubric.  I discussed the areas where weakness and strength have commonly been demonstrated.  I asked the students to ensure that they keep their "old" writing handy so they can compare it to their new trials.  Thus far I have been pleased with the class's progress.  All of our grammar work in September paid off because I rarely highlight items in the "beginning" or "developing" column of the writing conventions section of the rubric.

After recess we did math.  The sevens worked on the subtraction of integers, first by reviewing algebra tiles and then by working with number lines.  I was pleased with the patience that the group showed while everyone worked at mastering the concept of the number line.  Some found the notion of subtracting negative integers challenging.  Remember that the key is to remember the idea of opposites. If we move one way on the number line when subtracting a positive integer, then we will move in the opposite direction when subtracting a negative integer (because a negative integer is the opposite of a positive integer).  In this way, adding a positive integer, say (+5), is the same as number as a negative integer, (-5).

example: 10 + 5  is the same as 10 - (-5) because both equal 15.


example: (+10) + (+5)   is the same as (+10) - (-5)  because both equal  15.

There is no Math 7 homework; here are some of our notes:

Reviewing with algebra tiles

More review
Looking at number lines
Thanks, Kassandra, for the pic
After lunch we had some flex time.  Some students chose to work on their next art action item (a portrait using the pastel/water-colour technique we used on the model ship); others chose to work on their descriptive paragraph writing.  We reviewed sentence variety and I had the chance to work closely with students who were writing. We ended the day by judging Ms. L's class' penny sculptures and then we had gym.

I introduced the class to the first component of their fitness test: the 20-meter shuttle run (sometimes referred to as the "beep test").  We practiced a few cycles of the shuttle run and will complete that part of the fitness assessment tomorrow (please bring shorts and runners).  We will also be testing strength and flexibility using push-ups, a modified sit-up, a test to see if you can link hands, one over their shoulder and one from behind their back.  In addition they will do a seated stretch and a tummy arch to test flexibility.  All of this will be collected as baseline data to assess improvement over the rest of the year.



Trunk lift

Back-saver sit and reach
Right shoulder stretch (must do both sides)
Tomorrow we will discuss our routine for the Christmas Concert (scheduled for 1:00 - 2:45 p.m., Wednesday, December 19th.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, 27 November

Today we started the day by completing our rubric to help us to be able to evaluate our individual performance in the classroom.  I found that because our class has become so comfortable with the rubric system of assessment, and because you have done so much self-evaluation using rubrics, this process was pretty painless.  You all have come a long way in being able to speak the language used in student assessment.  I will now go home and collate the working templates we created into a concise and typed finished prototype to be approved by you for use in class.  Here are some sample pages of our rough work:
Learning Skills

Pronoun notes
Next, we did a ten-minute review of the rules for using pronouns.  While marking your descriptive paragraphs over the weekend, I noticed that pronoun usage was a problem for a significant number of you.

At recess we left to go skating.  Thank you very much, parent volunteers, for driving.  Unfortunately, I heard that at least one group of students failed to thank the parent who drove them.  On behalf of the class, please accept my apology if your students made this misstep.  We talked at the end of the day and everyone was reminded how we show appreciation (and good manners) when someone extends us a helping hand.  I asked the students to refrain from eating or drinking when they are a guest in someone's vehicle.  I also asked them to ensure they change quickly so that drivers could get home as soon as possible after an activity ends.  I was pleased with everyone's behaviour at the rink; thank you.

After a late lunch we had a visit from the Division One penny drive organizing committee and this led to a class discussion to address our students' concern around how this activity was to conclude.  Many in our class voiced upset at a change in the "rules" of the "friendly" competition we were in with Division One.  I talked about what I called "gracious" behaviour - about what it means to sometimes be the "bigger person" in times of conflict.  Upon sober second thought, I realize that such an outlook, while expedient, doesn't necessarily promote a good collaborative relationship based on fairness and respect.  In the future, we will have to try to lengthen the time line when an activity is changed so that we can address, or at least acknowledge, people's thoughts.  I felt that some of the concerns that you raised were valid and deserved to be discussed with the other group.  However, I also thought it was important to remember that our primary goal was to raise money to give clean water to people who otherwise wouldn't have it and I wanted to make sure we didn't lose sight of that.  Division One raised about $150 and that is an amount we can be proud of.  I was pleased with the way you worked together this afternoon, and I sincerely apologize to Group Three who didn't get a chance to work on the coin creations because of my oversight.

Our next class activity will be to build a food hamper for the Elves Club.  I think this time we should have a contest with ourselves.  Let's make a goal and meet it.

We will also have to discuss what we'd like to do for the "Christmas concert."  I'm open to your suggestions since I have no experience in this area and am not a person with much "stage presence" (at karaoke gatherings, I'm the guy people hope doesn't get up, even if I think I do a mean cover of anything by the late, Sonny Bono).

There is no homework tonight - remember, we have art tomorrow morning.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, 23 November

Today we started with a discussion about how we are progressing as a group in general but also about some students are still having some difficulty with class routines.  To help, we did some small and large team work to create a rubric around the following areas: organization (ex. desk, binders, cubby, area around desk) learning skills, attendance and conduct.  Because the students have become so fluent at creating, reading and self-assessing using rubrics, this was easy for them.  We will complete this next week and after it is done I will ask the students to self assess their week in class each Friday.  This will be considered in deciding their HACE (health and career ed.) mark for the second term.

Review of adding

Homework set

After recess we did math.  The 7s completed p. 69 - 70 or should do for homework.  Our next lesson involves using the number line to subtract integers.

After recess we did art.  Students either worked to complete the magazine/music piece, or Action Item #8 - the boat using the pastel/water colour technique.  We ended the day with a leadership/
teambuilding/problem solving activity.  I set up a horizontal rope in the gym that was four feet off the floor.  The students were asked if they wanted to accept the challenge to figure out a way to pass over the rope.  They had to do so without touching it, and so that they were always in contact with the floor (directly or indirectly).   They seemed keen, however, two or three times I had to stop them and tell them that their techniques weren't safe and that they had to slow down and figure out a way to do it safely.  We learned that we need to consider all the members in the group and not get tunnel vision concerned only with completing the challenge.  We closed with a debrief, but we will revisit this activity and what it taught us, again.

Please remember that there is no school for students on Monday

We have skating on Tuesday.  We still require one more driver, so please check your schedules to see if you could make yourself available.  We are in good shape for the following week.  Here are the drivers already committed:

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thursday, 22 November

These types of lessons are so easy with
the interactive whiteboard!

We started the day reconnecting to our cursive writing practice.  We have now confirmed the lower case letters from a to k.  My goal is to have all students fluent in cursive writing by the time they leave in June. As a secondary teacher I found it frustrating to have senior high students who couldn't read cursive writing.  This forced me to print since there wasn't time in the secondary curriculum to review this skill.

Frequently Misspelled Words

After writing practice we did our first spelling test.  At the beginning of the year I said I wouldn't have spelling tests, but I've since found that a number of students need support in this area, so we're starting with words "commonly misspelled" and will move on from there.  Today we tested column one (after an earlier pre-test) and now we'll review column two.  From spelling, the class moved to band.

Mid-unit review #1-2
Mid-unit review #3-5
Mid-unit review #7-8
Mid-unit review #6

Mid-unit review #9

After recess we had 15 minutes of reading and then started math.  In Math 7 we reviewed the homework from the mid-unit review and then learned how to use algebra tiles to subtract integers.  Everyone has quickly grasped how to use the interactive whiteboard and this has allowed me to get more students involved with the lessons, rather than having them sit passively at their desks.

We learned that if we subtract integers, it is sometimes necessary to add zero pairs to give us the opposite integer (positive or negative) so we can complete the operation.  We can do this because if we add zero to something, we do not change its value.  Its tricky, but just ask this: "Are there enough tiles of the type I'm being asked to subtract in the first integer in the equation.  If there aren't, add zero pairs until there are."  Complete #1-2 on page 69 for homework.  We'll do the rest in class tomorrow.

After lunch we read for ten minutes and then started a new socials unit on Egypt.  Some students studied Egypt last year, so I'm going to allow a level of independent/choice inquiry in this unit so that people can't say, "But we did this last year."

We read p. 86 and revisited the map on p. 87 of the text.  I also talked about the wealth of information on the Internet in general and on YouTube specifically.  I introduced the notion of bias and point of view, and how easy it is to publish matter on the Internet.  That means we "consumers" must be selective and wary of misinformation, whether it is by honest mistake or by design.  Here is a link to the video - we'll finish it in class but you may watch it if you were absent:

Don't forget to post a comment or a question to the blog with reference to today's documentary - your post-viewing check-in showed you were all paying attention.  Good work and thanks for another good day.  Today is the last "early dismissal" day (but Monday is a pro-d day so you get a long weekend).

Thank you for sending all of the pennies.  We are off to a good start. Tomorrow is the last day to bring in pennies - please try to donate if you are able and haven't done so already.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

First, please send some pennies tomorrow.  See yesterday's post for the reason why.  We are trying to collect more pennies than Division One and it is a wonderful cause.

We started the day with some silent reading while I fiddled with our interactive projector that was installed this morning.  Now we can use it without having to go next door.  Patience has paid off in the end.

Joanna asked me to look at the 
primary colours present on the 
stools in this photo. 

Next, Joanna came in for our art class.  Today we did a new still-life using a different colour technique. It involved using wax pastels and water colour.  The students' work is really starting to shine.  I look at it and can't believe how far they've come in such a short time.  If you see Joanna please take time to thank her for all of her effort; the students love art!

After recess we had our first separate math block.  I'm so thankful that we now have Ms. Thomson and Mr. Brown working with the grade 6s.  I had a very successful first class with the sevens and was in a much better position to help students who had questions.  I will not be able to comment on grade 6 math homework from now on, so parents please remember to ask for a regular update.

Using a number line to add integers.
Using algebra tiles to add integers.

In Math 7 we did a review of adding integers using algebra tiles and number lines and we then did the mid-unit review practice (#1-9) on page 65.  Please finish that for homework.  We'll start subtracting integers tomorrow.  For question 9 on p. 65 you should remember that the integers must be consecutive;  that means they must come in numerical order (ex.: -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2...).  Some of the answer sets might only have two integers; others might have many.

After lunch we did a bit more silent reading and then moved to Science.  We read p. 58 - 60 and had a discussion around sustainability.  There is no homework.  We dismissed at 1:45 to allow for parent-teacher interviews.

Please remember that tomorrow is band and again early-dismissal.  I very much enjoyed meeting with parents and students today.

Please also remember to return the top signed sheet of your report cards (and envelopes) if you haven't already done so.

Finally, please check your schedules to see if you might be able to drive to skating next Tuesday - we have 29 students.  Here is my current list of volunteer drivers:

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, 20 November

Please sign and return the report card cover sheet with the manila envelope that was sent home on Friday.  We have 12 back and I'd like to see if we can get all 29 - someone said that won't happen but I refuse to believe such negativity.

Today we started with a short pre-test of 23 commonly misspelled words (from a list of about 70 words).  In a couple of days we'll have the "real" test and then move on to more words in the list, eventually being responsible for the whole list.  Next, we discussed the laws of Canada as a follow up to work we did on Hammurabi's Code last week.  Next we left for skating.  Thank you to all of the parents who drove.  I was very pleased with the smooth operation that characterized the move to and from the area.  Two drivers were kept waiting while students visited the vending machines; we need to remember to be faster next Tuesday.  There were no concerns that I saw during the hour of skating.  Students were being safe and respectful, and having fun - thank you.

Page 83
We ate a late lunch upon our return to the school and then we did a writing assignment to follow up this morning's discussion.  It went like this:

1.  Read pp 83-84 in the socials text

Page 84
2.  Create a table to compare Hammurabi's laws to modern Canadian laws.  Try for five bullet points in each column.  Try to compare (similarities) but realize that contrasts (differences) are okay, too. Example:

3.  Write a 150-word paragraph discussing your findings in the table.  You will need a topic sentence.  For example, if I was comparing my experience in school I might write, "There are more similarities than differences between elementary and secondary school." This sentence identifies the topic and tells that I will be comparing or contrasting.

This should be finished for homework if it wasn't finished in class.

Important Note:  Starting tomorrow, the Math 6 students will be receiving their math instruction from either Ms. Thomson or Mr. Brown, not from Mr. Marshall.  We have received Learning Improvement Fund money to allow us to eliminate the split math class in our division.  This is a welcome relief for me  because of the wide range of needs in our class.  This change affects only our math instruction.  (A notice will be sent home tomorrow - I didn't see it on my desk when I dismissed the class - sorry).

Can you help?  Please remember to send your pennies to school for the penny drive aimed at supplying clean water in overseas countries.  Here's a link:

Can you help?  Please also send any extra school supplies that you can spare (exercise books, pens, pencils, erasers, etc).  Braedon Service's dad is going to Africa and is hoping to supply local school kids with much needed learning materials.

Don't forget tomorrow and Thursday are EARLY DISMISSAL days.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, 19 November

Happy birthday to me...

First, thanks everyone for your many birthday wishes, and thank you for the wonderful baked treats.  Everyone loved Kiah's chocolate cake after lunch.


We began the day with a writing session. Everyone was very focused and we all got a lot done.  I was very pleased with the commitment to cooperative work.  It was perfect!  I was also pleased with the order that you had in moving to band.  That is now three classes in a row where you modeled how a class should move in the hall: well done!

After recess we had math.  The sevens continued working on the practice set on pp. 63-64.  Next we'll be doing a mid-unit review before learning how to subtract integers.  Some of the sixes finished their last practice set so I gave them instruction in factoring, both with composite factors and prime factors.  They started the next practice set, but it is not for homework.  Grade 6s who did not complete the questions on p. 61 should do so for homework.
Skin Deep: looking at identity and stereotypes

After lunch we had aboriginal education with Kristi and we looked at a video that addressed the notion of stereotypes.  We did a lead-up activity and a talking circle afterwords.  Some of the questions raised will help guide future lessons.  Here is the link to the video:

Doc Zone: Skin Deep

We ended the day with time to complete our next action item for art: we are adding colour from magazines to a piece of art we drew to music last week.  Today we hung our "monster and chair" pieces.

On Friday, Nov. 23 at 12:00 some parents are having an information session with all grade 7s to plan extra-curricular activities for the year.  They wish to discuss things such as movies, dances and fund raising.  All parents are invited to join in; the meeting will be in Mr. Pond's room.


I'm bringing my van so that if Mr. Pond is short of drivers we can all still make it.  Here is the list of drivers:

Tuesday 20 November, 2012

Driver Name (student)
Number of passengers
Documents Confirmed
Jane Osborne (Nicholas)

Ryan (Avery)

Jenine Gobbi (Kira)

Michele Whiting (Cody)

Aideen Clery (Hannah)

Brad Jennens (Bowen)

Kathy Dillon (Simon)

Jeff Marshall 885-2004