Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, 6 June

We began the day with a special guest: Ms. Meredith Thomson came and taught us how to play Uno in French.  We tried to play without and English and I thought it went very well for a first try.  It is hard not to slip into English when you're searching for that elusive word in French.  Ms. Thomsom gave us a script that helped immensely with most of the game-play phrases necessary to play.  A big merci, Ms. Thomson.  After Uno, the class had band (some of our grade 6 students worked with our other Ms. Thomson (Bronwyn) to prepare a special math activity for the grade 1 students she works with).

After recess we read for ten minutes and then started math.  In Math 7 we added to yesterday's lesson on mean and mode, and learned about median and range.  With these four terms we can speak better about questions involving averages or measures of central tendency.  We didn't get to begin the practice set on pp. 264-66 as we were interrupted by the fire drill.

Reviewing mode and mean
Learning median

After lunch we worked on our passion inquiries, heard one of the final social studies inquiry sharings, and then went outside for a "personal choice" p.e. session with Division 1.  Some played basketball, some played soccer, some other less organized activities.

Remember that the high jump competition is being held after school at Chatelech and the meet is scheduled to be held tomorrow at Elphinstone.  Good luck to all of our Division 2 athletes. 

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